Story or Die
Whether you’re pitching a product, saving the planet, or convincing your kids not to text and drive, story isn’t just one way to persuade. It’s the way. It’s built into the architecture of the brain, and has been since early humans gathered around the camp fire, trying to figure out how to outsmart the lion next door. This is a fascinating conversation with Lisa Cron discussing the topic of her book story.
The Great Turning
In this interview, I speak with Marco Vangelisti about The Great Turning. The Great Turning is a shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization. It sounds like a massive challenge and perhaps beyond the scope of many of us however individually we can all assist in the process is it starts with understanding and aligning your life with your call values. Enjoy!
Alchemy of Herbs & Wild Remedies
In this interview, I speak with Rosalee de la Foret about her passion and knowledge for all things herbs. After suffering from her personal illness Rosalee discovered the amazing medicinal benefits of herbs and after many years of study and much more research, Rosalee is an expert Herbalist. She now shares her knowledge with others in an inspiring way how we can transform everyday ingredients into foods that can transform and maintain good health.
Why do some people achieve seemingly limitless success while others drift from day to day? How do some, despite extremely challenging circumstances, rise up to make a big impact or achieve great things and others, given the benefit of significant talent or opportunity, end up settling for so much less? What makes the difference?
In this interview, I speak with Pete Ruppert about his book Limitless: Nine Steps to Launch Your One Extraordinary Life, written for those, young and old, who simply don’t want to settle for the status quo or for “good enough” and have dreams they want to chase, not give up on.
Happy Gut
Following the success of the bestselling Clean Gut and Wheat Belly comes this essential guide to improving digestive health from an expert in functional medicine, Dr Vincent Pedre. In this interview, he reveals why everything that ails us, from fatigue to weight gain to bloating and bad skin, can be traced back to the gut and shares his cleansing plan to help us reclaim our health. A glimpse into something perhaps we should all look into a bit deeper.
Beyond Intention
In this episode, I speak with Daniel Mangena about his four-step system called the Beyond Intention Paradigm. We discuss how one can go from unconsciously living their life to a life lived with intention and purpose.
Future Proofing You
I interviewed Jay Samit a while back about his book Disrupt You! and absolutely loved our conversation so naturally, I was delighted when he told me he had a new book coming out – Future Proofing You.
With the right mindset and insight, anyone can become a millionaire. In another conversation with Jay, that left me inspired, I discuss with him the twelve truths for creating opportunity, maximizing wealth, and controlling your destiny in an uncertain world.
Everyday Mindfulness
My interview with Melissa Steginus discussing productivity and wellness. With Everyday Mindfulness: 108 Simple Practices to Empower Yourself and Transform Your Life, you will awaken to yourself, connect with your inner wisdom, and tap into your capacity for self-empowerment, fulfilment, and transformation. With 108 various practices to choose from Melissa shows us how we can transform our life with 5-minute a day mindfulness exercises.
A Guide to Ruling Your Inner Kingdom
In this episode, I speak with Mary Krygiel about her new book Reign, and how acupuncture ancient and the twelve meridian lines of energy present in every person can be used to bring back balance to our lives in order to help us leave more authentic and happy lives.
Practical Meditation
A fascinating conversation with Giovanni Dienstmann about meditation. We go beyond the practical conversation of how to meditate and search deeper into why and how to get started and maintain traction.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.