Peak Performance
I speak with Chris Dedeyan in this episode about Peak Performance including topics of how to manage stress, increasing productivity, raising your energy and most importantly improving clarity.
A Gay Man’s Guide to Life
My discussion with Britt East about his book A Gay Man’s Guide to Life: Get Real, Stand Tall, and Take Your Place
. This is a conversation about how we can all stop hiding behind masks and start leaving our hero’s journey. Britt presents an approachable, no-nonsense path for ALL men and women, to set down the excuses and get to the business of improving their lives. No new-age mumbo jumbo or wishy-washy self-help jargon. Just real work focused on real results to unleash our true selves and unlock our best lives.
8 Unbreakable Rules For Success
My interview with Sean Castrina discussing his book 8 Unbreakable Rules For Business Start-Up Success. Sean shares, in brief, the 8 principles that he has found to be the key to business success, not only in his world but in all successful business start-ups. If you cannot afford to fail, this is the one book you want to read.
Money in the Streets
My interview with Barry Habib discussing his new book Money in the Streets: A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You.
Offering thoughts on mindset tactics that are road-tested and personal practices of Habib, who treats each day as a reason to be thankful. Habib offers his life as proof that you can keep going no matter what. A very inspiring conversation.
964 Tripp Lanier – This Interview Will Make You Dangerous
My interview with Tripp Lanier Discussing his book This Book Will Make You Dangerous: The Irreverent Guide for Men Who Refuse to Settle
Last Resort Sugar Detox
My interview with Michael Collins discussing the nature of sugar addiction and what we can do to stop it.
The Journey
This is my original interview with Jairek Robbins. In this interview, we discuss his journey and what he has learned along the way in searching for self-discovery and what light him up. We discuss many other interesting topics including whether its good to have a plan A and B; how to best integrate work and life; what he has learned from a mentor of his, Gary Vaynerchuk, the art of hustle; chasing dreams and also his rituals and routines.
Smashing Numbers
In this episode, I spoke finance with Maddie Brown. A worthwhile listen for those entrepreneurs and small business owners. Maddie shares tips and advice for managing, making and keeping more money.
Guest Bio
In many ways, Maddie Brown is the entrepreneur’s financial entrepreneur. She brings the financial know-how that most small businesses are lacking. Many of Maddie’s clients are professional artists, speakers and consultants. These individuals (many of them accomplished, self-starting women) have built 7-figure careers around working with other entrepreneurs to lead the life they desire. She loves working with small and start-up women business owners to help them be financially smart and successful. There are 12 Million women-owned businesses, 88% make less than $100,000 gross income. She is here to help them change that statistic and make a bigger difference in the world.
Change and Resilience
Carol Van Den Hende has just published her first book Goodbye, Orchid – A story of hope and resilience. In this interview, I speak to Carol about her journey and gained insight into how to manage change and how to practice resilience. What an incredible conversation. Please enjoy!
Transforming Passion Into Purpose
Josh has some amazing art which is refreshing and uplifting – check it out for yourself at What was even more insightful and inspiring was my conversation with Josh about following our passions and transforming passion into life’s purpose. It’s much more than the notion of creating a living by following our passions – it’s about having purpose and impact beyond ourselves. Enjoy!

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.