Say What You Mean
We spend so much of our lives talking to each other, but how much are we simply running on automatic—relying on old habits and hoping for the best? Are we able to truly hear others and speak our mind in a clear and kind way, without needing to get defensive or go on the attack? In this interview with Oren Jay Sofer, I discuss his work that combines the likes of mindfulness, somatics, and Nonviolent Communication, including simple and powerful practices the, can help anyone develop healthy, effective, and satisfying ways of communicating. This is important stuff and well worth listening to. Enjoy! (more…)
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Hal Elrod is the author of The Miracle Morning
and now The Miracle Equation. This podcast is dedicated to helping others achieve their goals and create their ultimate life. Each week Hal invites a guest speaker on the show to talk about all things to do with entrepreneurship, business, money, goals, making waves, success and living into dreams. Hal is very knowledgable and comes from a place of experience, passion, motivation and enthusiasm. Please enjoy my review of the Achieve Your Goals Podcast with Hal Elrod. (more…)
Motivational Mash-up #6
By Leigh Martinuzzi
This is a short mash-up of a few recent motivational rants shared live on my Facebook and Instagram channels.
The Story We Tell Ourselves, Staying Focused, Negativity, Habit Formation, Goals and Dreams.
If you’d like to join me live on Facebook or Instagram please do.
Until next time, peace, passion and purpose. (more…)
Mind to Matter
In this interview, I speak with Dawson Church about his new book, Mind to Matter
, discussing the astonishing science of how your brain creates material reality. As Dawson explains, every creation begins as a thought and when we have an intention, a complex chain of events begins in our brains. Thoughts travel as electrical impulses along neural pathways. When neurons fire together they wire together, creating electromagnetic fields. These fields are invisible energy, yet they influence the molecules of matter around us the way a magnet organizes iron filings. (more…)
Impact, Not Income!
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
“Life is about making an impact not making an income.” Kevin Kruse
Service, giving back, helping others, and contributing are all feel good activities that we can do. I genuinely believe they are fundamental in living a life with greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness. And the ability to have a positive impact on the lives of others is available to us all. We can all do something every day that aims to serve others and have an impact. (more…)
Relationships Over Transactions
Ricky Carruth has created what is said to be the fastest growing real estate coaching company in the world! The good news to those of us in real estate is that his coaching is 100% free. In saying that, what connected me with Ricky was his work ethic, mindset and a message that business is about relationships over transactions. This is why I invited him on the show. Ricky shares content relevant to everyone no matter your industry or current situation in life there is some gold to be taken from our conversation. (more…)
Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi (originally published 23.7.2013)
A Seth Godin original.
Seth Godin is a clear, concise, communicator and marketer extraordinaire. A dot com entrepreneur that has claimed his position as a leader in communication and marketing. A person of influence in the business and entrepreneurial circles. He has created success by making his business and himself visible and being a Purple Cow. That is exactly what he hopes to inspire and encourage others to do one of his all-time best-sellers, Purple Cow. (more…)
What advice would you give your 20-year-old Self?
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
“Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t take it.” Benjamin Franklin
A question that I ask all guests that I interview on The Hidden Why podcast is what advice they would give there 20-year-old self. It was one that I heard other interviewers asking and found the answers intriguing, naturally, I decided to include on my question list.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
The Passion Paradox
My interview with Brad Stulburg the author of Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox, a very strong fit for the show. We start off by talking about how to elevate performance while avoiding burnout and as Brad shares, there are a few key common principles that are relevant to all. Focus on the principles, not the “hacks”. Then we talk about passion, how to discover it, how to harness its powers and avoid its dangers. (more…)
Motivational Mash-Up #5
With Leigh Martinuzzi
This is a short mash-up of a few recent motivational rants shared live on my Facebook and Instagram channels.
This series of rants was inspired by Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning – SAVERS.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.