Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Good for time management, procrastination, productivity and getting shit done.
In this book ‘Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
’, Brian Tracy looks at 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and getting more done in less time. I have talked about procrastination before and why we need to embrace this action of self-defeat. At the end of the day, the things we procrastinate over are usually the things we most desire or must do in efforts to reach our goals. (more…)
Escaping the Matrix and Waking Up to What’s Truly Important
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
The Matrix is an operating system controlled by machines. The machines are in full power. They manipulate how we humans feel by tapping into the way we perceive the world. This is carried out by the stimulation of our senses that send signals to the brain that depict our reality. In this state, we have a disillusioned sense of tranquillity, happiness and security. We believe whatever we want to believe. A feeling that we are in control.
At the same time, we are blissfully ignorant. It is this ignorance, combined with a disregard to the truth and a lack of ownership in seeking the truth, that we create the suffering that exists in our lives. (more…)
The Social Leap
Bill von Hippel is the author of The Social Leap a book that explores how significant life challenges throughout our evolution has shaped some of the most fundamental aspects of our being. Using the evolutionary science of our past Bill shares a new perspective on human psychology. For example, moving from the rainforests to the plans of the Savanna forced us to cooperate and this alone has had a major cascading effect on many of our human advances.
An inspiring conversation that left me wondering, what will be our next social leap and are we already in it. Enjoy the show. (more…)
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
by Yuval Noah Harari
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Yuval Noah Harari’s latest book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, takes us on a thought-provoking journey and behind the enemy lines of the most pressing and challenging issues that face humanity today. His previous New York Times bestselling books, Sapiens and Homo Deus explored both the past and the future. This book tackles the present modern-day global issues and while tapping into the ideas visited in his previous books Yuval brings new conversation and innovative thoughts to help us understand where we are now and how this can bring clarity to an uncertain future. (more…)
Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt
Comparison; the act or process of comparing which usually has one examining the similarities or dissimilarities of two or more things or people.
In this statement, I believe Roosevelt is suggesting that it is the comparing of oneself to another that is the true thief of joy, not the comparison of things. Why does a consideration of our similarities or differences to another deplete our happiness? (more…)
The Kindness Guy
“Never, never, never, give up.”
Leon Logothetis is known as The Kindness Guy. In this interview, I speak to him about his adventure and lessons learnt about how kindness has not only allowed him to travel the globe but also how kindness can reshape the quality of our lives. It’s not too deep but a critically important topic. I hope you enjoy! (more…)
After On by Rob Reid
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Bold, insightful, controversial and critical conversations about new science and technology and the implications they have on our society and culture now and beyond. Rob Reid is an American author and entrepreneur who seems to have a fascinating curiosity with the rise of tech and the advances in science and how this is shaping our future. (more…)
My Morning Routine: Why I Stopped Journaling
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Journaling is essentially a daily practice that involves writing about one’s thoughts, feelings, events and activities that are happening in life at any given moment. When I began focusing on my personal development several years back, everywhere I looked people promoted the benefits of keeping a journal. I was informed that keeping a daily journal would change my life. And so, my journaling habit began. (more…)
Undo It!
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Albert Einstein
Dean Ornish is a well-known advocate for using diet and lifestyle changes to treat and prevent heart disease among many other commonly occurring chronic diseases. In this conversation, I talk with Dean about his new book Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases
. (more…)

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