Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
What is the underlying motivation behind everything you do?
With a growing fascination in understanding what drives human motivation and behaviours, twelve months ago I begin to ask the guests on my podcast the above question. The answers have been wonderful and surprisingly very consistent. One common theme is the desire to serve, help others and have an impact. (more…)
Be More Pirate
Pirates didn’t just break the rules, they rewrote them. They didn’t just reject society, they reinvented it. They didn’t just tell tall tales, they told a story that shook the whole world. Pirates didn’t just challenge the status-quo, they changed everyfuckingthing. (more…)
Mind & Machine with August Bradley
Review recorded and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Mind and Machine is a weekly interview show with people at the forefront of transformational technologies, futurist ideas and the sociological impact of these exponential changes. (more…)
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.” Seneca
Time is considered the most valuable commodities around. For the individual time is a precious resource. We are born and then we die. The time we have at our disposal is all that is in-between. The length of which remains undetermined.
There is time outside these parameters. We know of this. We are aware. We read history books of the past, examining the time before our existence. We know that for some period into the future time will carry on. Perhaps infinitely, as long as life and consciousness exist. (more…)
Rich Sheridan
“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.” John Gall
In this episode, I chat with Rich Sheridan about his newest book Chief Joy Officer. From Rich’s observation over the years, he saw much suffering in the workplace. At the age of 37 having lost the joy for programming and the likes, Rich began a new journey and started a company called Menlo Innovations. Their mission is to create more joy through technology. (more…)
Top 10 Books of 2018
By Leigh Martinuzzi
I read a few books last year. To be honest they were all pretty bloody good.
However, if I can save you some time and help you select some good reads this year in 2019 here are 13 of my favourites from last year. (more…)
Escape Self-Absorption, Let Go of The Ego
Written and narrated by Leigh MartinuzziWe can have everything we want in life by escaping our self-absorption. Everything! It is not that we should deny self-care or self-love. We shouldn’t seek to abandon our search and satisfaction of our primary human needs – food, shelter, belongingness, survival. Self-absorption is allowing the ego to rule and letting it obsess over fulfilling false needs. (more…)
A More Beautiful Question
“Stay curious and question everything.”
beautiful question: n an ambitious yet actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something – and that might serve as a catalyst to bring about change. (more…)
Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day
by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky
This review is written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
In a world that is increasingly demanding and fighting for our time and attention, we find ourselves stretched thin. Cramming our calendars with tasks and to-do lists, working long hours, being distracted by social media and the likes, and spending far too much time on insignificant matters and less time on what is truly important. In this book, Make Time, that authors offer a simple and effective system to free us from distraction and this constant and perhaps unnecessary state of busyness. (more…)
Our Greatest Joy is in Our Sorrow Unmasked
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Our greatest joy is in our sorrow unmasked… then there is silence. I sit still. Deep in contemplation. This statement brings me slight confusion, curiosity and delight.
“Our greatest joy is in our sorrow unmasked!”
To assess such things I usually find it beneficial to understand the intricacies of this statement. What is joy? What is sorrow? And why would we mask either, our joy or our sorrow?
Joy – a feeling of great pleasure or happiness. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.