Brian P Moran
“Have the courage to pursue your dreams in life.”
In this episode, I chat with Brian P Moran about his book The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months
. You guessed it – a book about productivity and how to get more done in life. However, it may not be what you’d expect. Brian has worked in this field for years and has created a program that revolves around the concept of setting goals within a 12 week period. According to Brian when we remove the annual, longer-term goals and way of thinking and sticking with a 12-week plan we will get greater results, faster. Brian shares the practices and tips for getting you where you want to go. I am sure you’ll work away with a bunch of value after listening to this interview. Enjoy!
Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
This review is written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi
Gary Vee is a relentless hustler and in his newest book, Crushing It, Gary highlights how entrepreneurs can utilise social media to build their brand and influence others to the success of their business. It is somewhat an update or sequel to his 2009 book Crush It – a motivational and practical read on how to create a life around your passions. (more…)
Quote of the week.
By Leigh Martinuzzi
Here is my quote of the week and my thoughts. Enjoy!
To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha
Leave your thoughts, comments and questions below. Reach out directly by email of social media. Peace, Passion & Purpose. (more…)
12 Ways to Effectiveness
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi – Originally Published 11.11.2014
How many times have you got to the end of the day and while lying in bed before you nod off you wonder, “Shit, what did I really achieve today?”
In this episode, I share the remaining 6 productivity hacks to that have helped me get to the end of most days feeling better about what I achieved. Enjoy the show.
(more…)The Formula = Success
“Performance is about you but success is about us.”
In my interview with Albert-Laszlo, I discuss his newest book – The Formula. A book that finally unveils the groundbreaking discoveries of their pioneering study, not only highlighting the scientific and mathematic principles that underpin success. In this episode, we begin by defining success and speak about some of the laws that uncover the link between performance and success. (more…)
The GaryVee Audio Experience
Gary Vaynerchuk – the man of hustle, the man of business and entrepreneurship, the man telling us motherfuckers how it really is, and the man of social media.
My review on his podcast The GaryVee Audio Experience. Enjoy!
You Are Your Potential
In life, you are your potential.
Your latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness will only be discovered in taking action. The best action is an action that is guided by your Life’s Compass. I believe this concept in my book The Ultimate Life Map. Understand it. Choose your paths. Take action. Develop and progress. (more…)
6 Productivity Hacks
Written and narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi – Original Blog Published 11.11.2014
How many times have you got to the end of the day and while lying in bed before you nod off you wonder, “shit, what did I really achieve today?”
Is it a common occurrence? What about the successful, do you think they have days like these? We all do, don’t we?
In this article, I am going to share my tips for becoming more productive in everyday life. I am no guru, however, I believe one of my greatest strengths is my intense level of organisation and productivity and therefore I wish to share. (more…)
Game Changer
“Little moments, BIG memories.”
Fergus Connolly has spent his life working with the world’s elite helping them to prepare and win. From Premier League soccer, The NFL, NBA, Olympic Champions, International Rugby and worlds most secret Special Forces. In this episode, I chat to Fergus Connolly who reveals the secrets he has learned first-hand from working with the worlds greatest winners. (more…)
Aware: by Dr Daniel Siegel
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Dr Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. After completing his medical degree from Harvard University Daniel spent time studying family interactions with an emphasis on how attachment experiences influence emotions, behaviour, autobiographical memory and narrative. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.