
amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Atomic Habits with James Clear 

    James would say that when changing habits the problem isn’t you, it’s your systems. Building new habits and breaking bad ones is tough but when you understand what habits are and how they work you can then apply systems to develop the kind of habits you want in your life.

    In this interview, I discuss Atomic Habits with James – his new book. No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. James reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviours that lead to remarkable results. (more…)

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson, 20th Anniversary Edition by Mitch Alborn

    Written by Leigh Martinuzzi 

    Slow down. Stop. Think.

    What is life all about? What is the meaning of life? Does this truly matter?

    Tuesday’s with Morrie is a collection of one dying man’s lessons on how to live a truly meaningful life.

    In this book, Mitch Alborn shares his stores of the times he spent with an old college professor, Morrie Swartz, every Tuesday on this man’s final moments in life. Morrie’s gift to the world, lasting and timeless lessons on how to live. A book that I feel we could all benefit from reading now and again.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    Today’s featured guest is Heather Monahan.

    The topic is “Confidence.”

    Let the show begin.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Developing Creativity

    By Leigh Martinuzzi 

    Creativity is often seen as a novel pursuit, one that is characterised by a false reality combined with some degree of realism. Some might argue that creativity is of little value. There to entertain an individual or group or people with dreams and story. To transport us to a world lacking logic or rationality and therefore usually an activity without any actual purpose.

    Is creativity a wasted pursuit?

    Does it solely exist to bring joy to the creator?

    Does it lack any tangible reward?

    Is creativity purposeful to our survival and human progression?

    Please allow me to explain my thoughts in this week’s solo rant.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Fix Your Brain with Tom O’Bryan

    Dr Tom O’Bryan is the author of The Autoimmune Fix, that book outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify our disease process years before the symptoms are obvious. His new book, You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You’ve Ever Had, is a guide to prevention and treatment of brain ailments.

    I initially thought that 1 hour a week was a pretty bold claim but all he is suggesting is that if we can invest just 1 hour a week educating ourselves into the fields of health we may just reverse and prevent some of the chronic and less severe conditions that are crippling global health. Dr Tom sure does share some fascinating insight that will be sure to open your mind and even motivate you to make some small changes. Who doesn’t want better cognitive function, sleep, productivity and health? (more…)

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Insight Hour Podcast with Joseph Goldstein

    Written by Leigh Martinuzzi 

    Whether you are new to Buddhism, love it or just curious to explore religion from a modern holistic perspective than this podcast with Joseph Goldstein is sure to please. Personally, I didn’t have any idea who Joseph was until I started hearing many other podcasters and mentors refer to him, particularly in reference to mindfulness and meditation practices. That’s when I found this podcast which I do thoroughly enjoy.

    Don’t expect a hyped up delve into the world of Buddhism. Expect down to earth, humble teachings from a man who shares many wonderful personal stories and experiences combined with his knowledge and wisdom of the enlightened path of Buddha. Remarkably insightful, calm and inspirational these are essential teachings that can be applied to real life situations regardless of your preconditioned beliefs.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    Today’s featured guest is Milosz Pierwola.

    The topic is “Fear.”

    Let the show begin.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Leadership: A Life-Skill

    By Leigh Martinuzzi

    Leadership is a skill not only favoured to those who manage large teams or coach at the local football club. I’d consider leadership a life-skill. We should teach it to school children along with several other important life-skills essential for living a successful and happy life.

    Why? Because at some point in time, we will be required to lead others whether on a large or small scale. More importantly, we are at all times entirely responsible for the leadership of our life.

    You might be thinking, “well, if I am not in a position of such responsibilities then why do I need to develop my leadership skills?”

    Listen in and allow me to explain.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Gradual Awakening with Miles Neale

    The world may be on the verge of global crisis. The economic, political, ecological and environmental landscapes are at the tipping point. Humanity appears confused and unaware in search of answers. As western culture embraces traditional practices favoured by many religious pursuits people jump on the trends of the likes of meditation and mindfulness yet equally sceptical of spiritual paths.
    In this conversation with Miles Neale, author of Gradual Awakening, we go beyond the surface and typical mindfulness talk into a deeper look at the current state of humanity. We explore the opportunities for humanity to experience an awakening – understanding mindfulness, wisdom and virtue as we attempt to overthrow of the nihilism, hedonism, and materialism that are threatening our planet. Enjoy!


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    My Top Recommended Reads of 2018

    Here are the five top recommended read so far of 2018. Actually, I snuck in an extra one. It’s bloody difficult selecting because there have been many great reads.

    You can review all my book reviews following the links below.

    Apologies if you were expecting a new recording, I got a bit slack with this one. However, you can listen to the podcast recording of the books that interest you below.  (more…)

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