Revisionist History Podcast by Malcolm Gladwell
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Malcolm Gladwell is the author of Five New York Times bestsellers. He is a journalist for the New Yorker and prior to that the Washington Post. He writes and speaks about the research and science in sociology, psychology and social psychology.
Within his works, he often examines the past – the history of ideas, events, people, and cultures and how they have been misunderstood and how they impact our lives today. The Revisionist History is a podcast series dedicated to this curiosity. (more…)
Addition and Subtraction – A Formula for Happiness
By Leigh Martinuzzi
In an interview, I recently hosted with Jodi Aman, a Psychotherapist, Auther and proponent of Happiness – she described a simple formula or definition of Happiness.
It goes, Wants – Don’t Wants + Practice = Happier. (more…)
Enhance Your Relationships with Sam Alibrando
In this conversation, I speak with Dr Alibrando about his book “The 3 Dimensions of Emotions: Finding the Balance of Power, Heart, and Mindfulness in All Your Relationships.”
These are the 3 dimensions of the interpersonal world. How well we learn to navigate them directly corresponds to how well we live our lives – how happy and fulfilled we feel. (more…)
Humans Are Underrated by Geoff Colvin
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
In this book, Geoff Colvin has delivered a brilliantly assembled counter-argument to the notion that technology is taking over the human race. With the advancement of machines, AI and robots killing us in the task and skill race of the functioning world, what chance do we have? Well, as Colvin explains, it may merely be a matter of reconnecting with our roots – the fundamentals of our human nature. (more…)
The Lost Art of Connection
By Leigh Martinuzzi
Relationships. Love. Human connection. Belongingness. These are essential elements of life and fundamental to the quality of our experience.
Suffering is more prominent without them. Connection with others bring us meaning and purpose. They bring us happiness. (more…)
A Buddhists Guide for Happiness with David Hare
For a second time, I bring you an inspiring chat, with David Hare. One of the most listened to interviews to date.
David is the author of “The Buddha In Me, The Buddha In You” which becomes the centre point for our conversation. He has integrated his fondness, passion and the wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism with his coaching business to help others live larger lives. He supports this with personal development learnings and techniques, and popular psychology. (more…)
Go Long: Why Long-Term Thinking Is Your Best Short-Term Strategy
By Dennis Cary, Michael Useem, Brian Dumain and Rodney Zemmel
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Have you ever wondered why some companies live forever and others fail? In this book, the authors explain why there are less publicly listed companies than ever before and why the lifespan of existing companies are getting shorter every day. Their findings clearly suggest that organisations run by short-term thinkers who are pressured to achieve short-term results are the ultimate cause and an increasing concern. (more…)
amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.