by Leigh Martinuzzi
“The people we discriminate against in our public policies and in our culture are also the groups of people most likely to be bullied in school. That is not a coincidence. That’s hate!” Sally Kohn
Hate is an intense dislike for someone or something.Zach Schonbrun
Have you ever wondered what makes top athletes like Stephen Curry, Tom Brady, Serena Williams, and Lionel Messi; as well as musical virtuosos, dancers, rock climbers, race-car drivers, and more so successful? Is it merely an innate genius or a skill that they are born with?
Zach, a successful journalist and popular sports writer, was curious and so found himself on a quest to discover what actually drives human movement and its spectacular potential.
Leonardo da Vinci
by Walter Isaacson
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
“While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.” Leonardo da Vinci
Walter Isaacson is a Professor of History at Tulane University, Editor of Time magazine and CEO of the Aspen Institute. He is a highly acclaimed American author and journalist. Having written successful biographies of Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Henry Kissinger, Isaacson latest edition to this array of fantastic work is that of the life and career of Leonardo da Vinci. (more…)
Today’s featured guest is Jason Treu.
The topic is “Engagement.”
Let the show begin. (more…)
Work with People You Want to Work With
by Leigh Martinuzzi
“When you please others in hopes of being accepted, you lose your self-worth in the process.” Dave Pelzer
I have spent much energy and time by trying to please everyone, trying to be accepted, trying to be liked but realised I had to change my ways. I began to eliminate those I didn’t want to work with, play with, be with, progress with, achieve with and love. It’s an elimination tactic that just may help you thrive in what you do. (more…)
Michael Useem – Leadership & Going Long
“Leadership makes a difference especially when the world is changing.” Mike Useem
Having a long academic career teaching in the fields of Leadership and Change Management, Michael Useem has a great deal of wisdom, knowledge and insight to share as it relates to what makes world-class leaders. The interview begins with Mike explaining why leadership is so important, the qualities of great leaders and how we can develop it in our personal and professional lives. (more…)
The School of Greatness Podcast with Lewis Howes
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Lewis Howes has a podcast that sits in the top 100 podcasts on iTunes. He is a lifestyle entrepreneur with a story that takes you on a journey from broken places to success. Lewis has a couple of New York Times best-selling books and a repertoire of celebrity endorsements. I don’t see eye to eye with everything he says and does, but I deeply respect the work he’s doing.
If you want to read his full story check out his About Page here. I do appreciate how Lewis openly shares many aspects of his past with his guests. As a child, he was sexually abused, he always felt left out growing up, and despite significant achievements in the sporting arena, it all came crashing down after an injury. He found himself broke with twenty dollars to his name sleeping on his sister’s couch. (more…)
by Leigh Martinuzzi
self-doubt (noun) -lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.
“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win,
by fearing to attempt.” William ShakespeareSelf-doubt is often described as our dark side or inner “gremlins” that question our motive, intention, ability and Self. It seems ludicrous to doubt oneself and yet we all do. It may not mean that we lack confidence or have low self-esteem. Even when we know through direct experience that we are capable self-doubt still lingers. I have to wonder why and for what purpose does it serve? (more…)
Karen Brown – Unlimiting Your Beliefs
“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.”
Karen Brown is an unconscious mind expert. In my interview with Karen, we break down the nuts and bolts of the unconscious mind so you can rid yourself of your limiting beliefs and accomplish your wildest dreams. (more…)
Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking
A book reflection by Leigh Martinuzzi
Allen Carr is a disciplined man, always has been. As a professional and successful accountant for many years, life was good. There was only one matter that caused him a great deal of pain and suffering – his addiction to nicotine. When he eventually quit smoking, with ease, he decided to go out and help others. He was driven to help cure the world’s smokers.
In Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking, he explains how he went from smoking 100 cigarettes a day to zero without suffering. For 30 years Allen was a chain-smoker. He couldn’t do anything without first lighting up. As nicotine addiction progresses, it takes over our lives until it eventually destroys our life. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.