Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Oreskes, Naomi, Conway, Erik M. (2010) Hardcover
by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
Doubt: a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
The opposite to doubt is certainty, conviction, confidence, and trust.
In this book – Merchants of Doubt, the authors go bravely into territory that many have not dared. They attack vital leaders, scientist and people of influence that have in their time very successfully created doubt among the public. Even in spite of hard scientific evidence and basic common sense. This book places those “Merchants of Doubt” in the spotlight. (more…)
“Perspective is the way we see things when we look at them from a certain distance, and it allows us to appreciate their true value.” Rafael Pino
When you take a photo, and the image you see is blurry, it is necessary to adjust the focus. It is better to zoom out then to zoom in and once you do the image becomes clear again, and at that time you can begin to zoom back in for closer visuals.
In life, when things are not going as planned, when there is a pain or when the world feels as though it’s against you, crumbling down, we must practice and learn to adjust our perspectives. (more…)
“A little tiny small move today could actually change our future for the positive tomorrow.”
Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure and make it work to your advantage. An author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker, this “worldwide connector” is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.
Peter Shankman is a busy guy and he always seems to have more than 24 hours in a day. How does he do it? (more…)
“Let death be what takes us, not lack of imagination.” BJ Miller.
I listened to this TED talk by BJ Miller a while back and had recently watched it again. It has an essential message about death and the process of dying as it relates to living life more fully.
It’s not a topic we often discuss nor is it a subject that we contemplate regularly. In this interview, BJ said, “We cannot solve for death, yet, but we can design for it.” (more…)
In this episode, I chat with Natalie Ard – entrepreneur, a small business owner, creator of books and games for children, author and Illustrator, and believer. She’s also a wife and a mother to three! Natalie Ard helps break down the “big subject” of life and faith for kids through fun games, books and toys.
As a driven entrepreneur having built the Star From Afar Kids company, I speak to Natalie about the entrepreneurial lessons she’s learnt along the way. Including why following your purpose is beneficial and how to build a business from nothing. We also discuss the importance of and how to inspire children to play with a purpose.
This is an inspiring conversation for mums looking to start their own business but equally valuable for anyone wishing to turn passion and purpose into a dream lifestyle.
The Tim Ferriss Show with Tim Ferriss
“To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.” Timothy Ferriss
Tim Ferriss, best-selling author, angel investor, entrepreneur, experimenter, and lifestyle guy. In his show, you can expect to be kept fascinating by powerful and inspiring conversations with some of the world’s top performers and walk away with tools, techniques and tactics for a vast array of skills and disciplines. (more…)
“Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.” Valerie Bertarelli
Where does stress arise from? When you are next stressed try pause for a moment and reflect on why. I believe it is a beneficial exercise.
The dictionary defines stress as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. We all know what stress feels like. It’s generally uncomfortable and not nice. In those times of stress, the ugly side of our character seems to become exposed. (more…)
In this episode, I speak with Stuart Friedman about cross-cultural dynamics in efforts to better understand how we can improve our relationships. Culture as he defines it is “how things get done.” In understanding how others do things, based on their beliefs and values, we can hopefully knock down cultural barriers that lead to ineffectiveness. It starts with understanding our own values and beliefs.
For more than 30 years, Stuart has been cultivating his passion for organizational behaviour, international travel and world cultures. (more…)
“Self-discipline is the root quality that will improve every aspect of your life.” Jocko Willink
Inspired by a talk that Jocko Willink gave as a guest on the Tim Ferris Show. Jocko said the words to this affect – that taking action is the key to success. I couldn’t agree more. If we don’t put one foot in front of the next and step forward into the challenge, change and the unfamiliar we won’t progress and evolve. (more…)
This is a replay interview I did with Eric Zimmer – host of The One You Feed Podcast. He is a big believer in the wolf theory that he describes as that we become the one we feed. We both have both the good and bad wolf within us and if we feed the good wolf we become the good wolf – feed the bad wolf and we become the bad wolf.
The wolf theory states that we become the one we feed. We both have both the good and bad wolf within us and if we feed the good wolf we become the good wolf – feed the bad wolf and we become the bad wolf. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.