“There is no justification for lack of love.”
In this episode we discuss love! I for one understand how it is too easy to be turned away from topics on love but in this conversation, we go deep into what true love is and why it’s a key building block to a life with greater freedom, fulfillment, and happiness.
Scott shares his amazing and tragic life story and how he used to love to overcome all the challenges he has faced. We all benefit from the powerful energy that is love even though it may not always be the easiest to act on. An inspiring chat. (more…)
“So. Monday. We meet again. We will never be friends—but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more-positive partnership.” Julio Alexi Genao
We don’t live in a utopian world. And while we all have dreams and visions of an ideal life we still will face challenges, adversity, and sorrow.
We have us up days, and we have our down days. Hopefully more up than down!
If you find yourself waking up on a Monday morning not with enthusiasm for the week ahead, not with a vision of what you wish to accomplish or intent for how you want to be but rather moaning and groaning then maybe it’s a signal that something needs adjusting. (more…)
Cy Wakeman is the author of No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Workplace Drama, End Entitlement, and Drive Big Results
. She describes herself as a “Drama-researcher.” Her book is about reinventing leadership thinking to reduce the costs of drama in the workplace creating happy and more productive people and places.
We have an amazing conversation about suffering, about drama, about ego and how not only can we dispose of the waste drama causes in our workplace but also how it relates to the drama an ineffectiveness it can cause in our everyday lives. Brilliant stuff! (more…)
The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating
by David M. Buss
“While love is common, true love is rare, and I believe that few people are fortunate enough to experience it. The roads of regular love are well travelled and their markers are well understood by many – the mesmerizing attraction, the idealization obsession, the sexual afterglow, the profound self-sacrifice, and the desire to combine DNA. But true love takes its own course through uncharted territory. It knows no fences, eludes modern measurement, and seems scientifically woolly. But I know true love exists. I just can’t prove it.” David Buss
This is a really cool read! I went into it with kind of the wrong expectations but didn’t find myself disappointed. It is a book about the evolution of desire but not ‘desire’ in the general sense but rather the desire of the sexes and for matting and mateship (companionship). (more…)
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” JF Kennedy
You can go out there and follow the roads already walked, or you can blaze your unique paths. Both will challenge you, cause you pain, fill you with fear, doubt and uncertainty but one will bring you greater happiness in pursuit and leave you looking back on your journey with a heightened sense of reward, not regret.
I had comfort in life. I had many great things. I had my moments of joy. I was surrounded by beautiful people and had a great deal to be grateful for in life, but I also lacked freedom and fulfillment. The life I was living was dissatisfying. I didn’t feel like life had any meaning, and I felt it would leave me living a life of regret. (more…)
Randi Zinn is the author of Going Beyond Mom: How To Activate Your Mind, Body & Business After Baby. In this episode, we talk about her journey and why it has led her to inspire and assist other mums to cultivate a life beyond motherhood.
With all the challenges of motherhood, it is no wonder that the majority of moms struggle to care for and nurture themselves once they become moms. That is Randi steps up to the plate. She encourages others mothers in the areas of physical and emotional health, business, and entrepreneurship, relationships, and mindfulness, contentment, and happiness. A great conversation for all mothers and fathers.
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” Friedrich Nietzsche
In giving up the pleasures that I once sought, those activities that consumed me, that caused me both pleasure and displeasure, in attempt to escape my perception of Self-suffering I ask myself, “has it helped?”
Buddha said, “Life is suffering.” It is however often misinterpreted. I am not here today to try to explain this misunderstanding. What I wish to do is share a quick thought on why there will always be an underlying sense of suffering in life. (more…)
For centuries humanity has been working to empower itself with better tools and insights, from science and surgery to electricity and the Internet. A history of triumphs that we should be celebrating. However, what is the consequences of history, progress, free information as it relates to our ability to live life fully and with meaning?
In this episode, I have a conversation with Brad Harris as we tackle some questions in relation to history, progress, and modern day life. How can history be used to give us purpose and better our advancement both individually and society as a whole? (more…)
“That’s my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.” Joe Rogan
I believe Joe Rogan is a pioneer of podcasting. A friend introduced me to Rogan’s podcast, suggesting I check out his style and format. He also thought I would enjoy and find his conversations interesting and perhaps even a little educational. That’s how my Joe Rogan experience began.
It’s not a podcast that I listen to all the time. The primary reason for that is because it is bloody long. In the real sense of conversational podcasting, Joe has nailed it. Episodes range from two hours up. I would guess the average length is three-hours. (more…)
“It’s better to die in pursuit of your dreams than to live a life without hope.” Terry Brooks
Not so long back my family and I decided to pack everything up and move to Japan. I’d be lying if I’d say I wasn’t scared, fearful or filled with doubt. The truth is I still have doubt. Was it the right move? What’s next?
The decision, however, was made for good reason and despite all the challenges, fears, and conditioned beliefs, we went for it. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.