“Passion is the ultimate tool in business.” Moustafa Hamwi
Moustafa is an Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Executive coach and is the World’s Leading Expert on Passion, Passionate Leadership, and Passionate Careers.
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
He has been nicknamed “The Passion Guy” due to his amazing success in utilizing passion to transform people’s careers and business performance. He is the founder of Passion Sundays, the leading online passion and happiness talk show.
Moustafa’s is highly energetic, insightful, and engaging and in this interview you are guaranteed to get a dose of passion that lasts way beyond this episode.
Key Take Outs
- Do you know what you’re thirsty for? If you do not how can you quench that thirst?
- If you want to understand life and who you are meditate. Find time out to observe the mind.
- At cross roads – which way to turn next? When you are aligned with your passion you will know the way.
- Passion has a flow-on effect that will continue to enhance life.
- The Billions Dollar Questions that will guarantee you find your passion.
Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?
Morning routine – exercise, silence, education and being with his loved ones.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
Find your passion and spend your life making it happen.
What is the meaning of success?
Positive impact on this world.
What is your number one productivity advice?
Prioritise! Prioritise! Prioritise!
What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make change?
Ask yourself the billion dollar questions and find the answer no matter how long that takes.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Cultural foods
Favourite Leisure Activity
Extreme activities like parachuting
Favourite Book
Think and Grow Rich: The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation
by Napoleon Hill
Favourite Quote
“Live a life worth dying for. Live passionately.” Moustafa Hamwi
Do we all have a why?
Yes, we definitely do. We have to find it.
What does living with passion and purpose mean?
The meaning is that you will feel fulfilled in every moment. In the journey you have to ready to endure pleasure and pain.
How to find Moustafa Hamwi
FREE GIFT: Mastering Passion –
LinkedIn: moustafahamwi
Twitter: @moustafahamwi
Instagram: @moustafahamwi
YouTube: moustafahamwi
The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff
by Andy Andrews
“Perspective is the only thing that can dramatically change the results without changing any of the facts.” Andy Andrews
What a surprisingly great little read. Packed with such purposeful insight and perspectives. What is life but an accumulation of the little things. We hear it often enough but do we really consider the little things we do and how they have impact on not only our lives but all those around us?
Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
Andy Andrews is a New York Times reporter, speaker and author and is all about awakening and empowering the human spirit and mind to live more inspired lives. This book is a little dose of that.
Who Are Your Mentors and Why?
In this episode I wish to discuss the importance of selecting the right mentors as it relates to the life you want to live. It is easy to circle the screen looking for those high achievers or the ones that have celebrity status and always in our face but is that the life you wish to live for?
We must also question what we perceive and what is actually true. I wish to suggest that is is not the wealth one has or brilliant possessions but more how they live their life that matters in relation to how you with to be. Aim for how you want to be in life first the how will come as will what you wish to have in life.
Kick ass and live happily!
Robert Gerrish is the founder and a director of Flying Solo, Australia’s solo and micro business community and co-author of the business bestseller, Flying Solo: How to go it alone in business.
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
He has been a business commentator on ABC Four Corners, A Current Affair, Sky Business, Fairfax Digital, 2UE and ABC Radio. He presents regularly at conferences around the country. He also hosts the Flying Solo Podcast and write for a variety of small business publications. (more…)
Be-Do-Have. Simplify, De-Clutter & Create Abundance
“We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy.” Richard Foster.
In a blog post I wrote recently I shared some practical tips and approach to simplifying life. From experience they are what have helped me. You can read that post here. For those of you who prefer listening over reading I have created this podcast. Enjoy!
You can read my previous two blog posts on this topic below.
Simplified Living For A Simplified Life: A Process For Creating More
“You may say you’re against status, but if you filled a room with people who said they were anti-status, a hierarchy would soon form based on how anti-status they are.”
Loretta is Professor a psychologist the brain chemical master. She has spent years studying the chemicals of the human brain and how they affect our behviours. Serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and endorphin – all great insightful in why we may do the things we do.
In this episode replay we discuss our happy chemicals. The habits of a happy brain, how we can influence our levels of happiness on our journey to living with greater passion and purpose. Enjoy!
Essential: Essays by The Minimalists
by Ryan Nicodemus Joshua Fields Millburn
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” Chuck Palahniuk
Have you heard about the minimalist lifestyle? These guys live it, breathe it and share it. Having chased through the corporate life they found themselves less satisfied and began asking questions about what it’s all for. At least as far as I can tell. This book is not a coordinated journey of how to live a minimalist life but as the tittle suggestions a series of essays that they have written on living a minimalist life. Inspiration to take action towards a minimalist lifestyle of your own.
Please enjoy my book reflection and grab yourself a copy below.
Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
What Is Your Earliest Childhood Memory?
Our childhood leaves clues. What was in the past that made you happy, excited, lit you up that has been washed away or covered from the years of living the conditioned life?
Think back to your earliest childhood memory. What is the first thing that comes to mind? What meaning can you filter from this memory. Mine was walking a bush path on an adventure with a group of kids at about the age of 3. I love an adventure and I love sharing my experience with others. Nothing much has changed.
“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”
Frank Sesno’s book, Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions and Spark Change shows how we can be more effective at work, at home and in life by putting great questions to work for us. What questions should we be asking?
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
Ask More offers eleven categories of questions, each with its own approach, outcome and listening skills. We can use questions to learn, to connect with others, to trigger innovation and imagination, to convey authorship and to discover a shared mission.
Frank Sesno is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and former anchor, White House Correspondent, Washington Bureau Chief, and talk show host for CNN. He currently serves as director of George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, and is the creator of Planet Forward, an innovative forum seeking solutions to daunting challenges such as global hunger. He lives in Washington, D.C.
Key Take Outs
- Remove the period from the sentence and ad a questions mark. It will spark further discovery.
- Find time for silence to ask questions.
- Find time for conversation.
- Make an appointment for questioning. It helps remove surprise.
- Try a conversation where you don’t use “I” am “me.”
- Use Echo questions. Listen to key words, facts or emotions and repeat it. This will assist to expand the insight and discussion.
- Empathetic questioning requires you to put yourself in the shoes of the respondent.
Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?
Curious about people and always fascinated to know more. Open minded and just want to view things from many various angles. It helps deepen understanding about humanity.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
To ask more. Not just the first question the first time. Ask in layers. Be deliberate and purposeful. Also, I think its important to challenge yourself.
What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make change?
What makes me feel proud. What would make my friends and family proud? What would make a difference? What would you like to read about yourself if someone wrote a biography about you?
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Chinese food
Favourite Leisure Activity
Horse-back ridding.
Favourite Book
Life Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife
by Barbara Bradley Hagerty
Favourite Quote
“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”
What is the meaning of life?
Make a difference in someone else’s life. Doing something that has value in my own life. Giving back. Creating.
Do we all have a why?
I don’t know. Not necessarily.
What does living with passion and purpose mean?
Passion is what we love and care about. Purpose is setting ourselves a goal and achieving it.
How to find
The 3 Keys to Success, The Why, Awareness, & The Work
In this solo rant I discuss the 3 keys to success. A very bold statement I know and while there certainly are many other things that contribute to ones success, however you may define it, these are the three areas that have had the greatest impact in my life so far.
Know your why, find greater awareness and do the work. Enjoy!

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.