“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” Sigmund Freud
To heal you must feel that pain and confront the suffering. For whatever your sufferings are if you do not confront them, reflect on them and let them out they will bind you.
Society has created and offers us many ideal ways to cover our sufferings through short-term and immediate pleasures. These will not heal suffering; they will numb but not heal. To heal you have to reveal. To progress you have to express.
Enjoy this thought. Be inspired. And express your authentic self as often and as best you can. Comments welcomed below.
Jim Harshaw is a speaker, consultant and former Division I All American wrestler. He grew up in a blue-collar home therefore learning the value of hard work early on. Having spent his life surrounded by Olympians, CEO’s and millionaires he has been able to observe their struggles and failures on the way to success.
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
Jim believes we need to understand that every success story includes crushing failure. Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Phil Knight, Elon Musk have all failed. (more…)
How Do I Use My Why & Life Compass to Live the Ultimate Life
Goal – To inspire you and highlight to you how to use the Life Compass as your guide to living a freaking awesome life.
You can review this at THY TV here is you wish.
“The opposite of fear is love – love of the challenge, love of the work, the pure joyous passion to take a shot at our dream and see if we can pull it off.” Steven Pressfield
Now that you have created your Life Compass it is time to understand how to use it. It is pretty straight forward. It is also important to note that you may adjust and evolve your Life Compass as you proceed on your journey.
If you haven’t yet lessoned to part 1 & 2 please do. Part 1: What is The Hidden Why & Part 2: How Do I Discover My Hidden Why (more…)
“Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first.” David TS Wood
I am bringing you back my very first episode with my mentor and the guy who was the catalyst being much of my change David TS Wood. This guy taught me so much. He taught me why an investment in myself is critical in progressing in life. How to change my story and my attitude to show up more fully each day. He stretched me beyond my comfort zones and has been instrumental in how i live life today with greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness.
You can review previous show notes here for all key takeouts from this episode. Enjoy!
Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (TED Books)
by Dan Ariely
If you are looking for insights behind human motivation you will benefit from reading this book. Dan Ariely addresses the topic beautifully. Whether you seek greater self-motivation or wish to improve the motivational influence you have on others at the work-place or in your personal life this book will help you “think more deeply about the effects of your approach.”
Over the years partly in experience and partly in learning I have certainly become more motivated towards most areas of life. I feel that motivation to act has mostly come easily to me and perhaps it’s a by-product of my lack of patience. I just want things to happen quickly when I set my mind on something. I think just as quick as I act which on occasions can get me in trouble.
Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
Whatever the case I am highly motivated and many of the concepts and ideas Dan shares within this book I can relate. His research mostly revolves around the motivation aspects of the workplace however much of the findings relate specifically to the individual. These insights at some level relate to us all and may even give clues into how we can better live life. (more…)
A Thought On Thought Habits
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Jim Ryun
We often hear about our behaviour habits but what about the habits of your thoughts. What you think about affects the action you take. What if you practiced different thoughts, how would that change your life?
Mahatma Gandhi said that “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” (more…)
Dr. Frank Gibson combines the unique experience of successful businessman, entrepreneur, medical practitioner, and scientific researcher.
Dr. Gibson has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Miami, and a Masters of Science from Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in conjunction with Nanjing University. Dr. Gibson is the author of Age with Energy, Hepatitis C—The Facts, The Cure, and Natural Health.
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
In 1991, he founded 6th Millennium Corporation, which became the largest clinic of integrative and oriental medicine in the U.S. In addition, founding Precious Wood Farm, a 216-acre, non-profit health and educational facility in the mountains of North Carolina. Within 6MC, Dr. Gibson developed the alcohol recovery program that was instrumental in the eventual development of the Last Call Program. In 2006, Dr. Gibson sold 6MC, thereby allowing his complete focus and dedication toward developing Sobrexa and the founding of Avantcare, Inc. and the Last Call Program. (more…)
THY TV Why Series Part 2: How Do I Discover My Hidden Why
Goal – To Assist You to Search Your Truth with The Four Elements of the Life Compass
In part 1 I discussed the idea of creating greater awareness within. To disconnect and connect within your soul. Ideally this would have given some time and space to really open up and allow your light to shine. What lit you up? What made you feel good? In this episode I want thttp://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/o share with you the Life Compass, the elements of it and how to connect with each.
The Life Compass is made up of four elements as is the points on a compass. The elements are Dreams & Passions, Skills and Talents, Core Values and Needs & Desires. If you can ask yourself come critical questions around each of these areas, reflect and express your answers you will better understand your why. (more…)
Jairek Robbins is a lifestyle and performance coach who has recently started Performance Coach University and have great success. His goal is to help train others so they can go out into the world and do greater work helping people improve their lives. If you are interested in coaching and changing people’s lives than you may want to check out PCU using the link below.
Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
In this episode we discuss the theme of success and talk about really creating a life with greater purpose. The issue with constantly chasing achievement and life goals without purpose is that it may take you to no new places. Many people reach one goal still feeling without any greater level of fulfilment in life. Jairek shares some insights into how to go about creating a life that has more meaning and certainly how to connect with a higher sense of purpose. (more…)
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
by Robert Kiyosaki
“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” Robert Kiyosaki
This is the #1 personal finance book of all time and after reading it I can understand why. It is finance 101. It is easy to read, basic to understand and for any novice out their looking to improve their financial situation, it certainly will change your perspective on money and how to manage it.
Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250
Robert begins chapter one with this, and I quote, “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.”
Most of us get educated and learn how to work for money. We essential exchange our time for money. Time for me is priceless, and the further I educate myself in order to change my way of living the more I appreciate my time. I dread the thought of giving my time away.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.