Inspiration to Do The Work
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” Pele
In this Hidden Why Guy rant I wish to inspire you to keep doing the work. When you know your why, when you know how you wish to live this experience the next step is that you’ve got to do the work. The work is what will take us towards our ideal future vision and dreams. How we want to be in life comes from doing the work. (more…)
If you are looking for a mentor with all the credentials, all the degrees and all the esteemed letters after their name then you’ve come to the wrong place, that is not Keith Callahan. However, he is a mentor who has been there and done that, someone who has learned on the streets, someone who came from nothing and built his own way to financial freedom. Often the best people to learn from.
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In this interview Keith shares his full story of how we became financially free and it wasn’t pretty in the beginning. Growing up Keith like many had the dream to get rich – his ego wanted everything that went with that, nice cars, homes etc. At a young age he started making serious cash in real estate with his business partner, fixing and selling homes. (more…)
A Thought On The Ego
“If there is anything besides the Self there is reason to fear? Who sees the second? First, the ego arises and sees objects as external. If the ego does not rise, the Self alone exists and there is no second.” Ramana Maharishi
Inspired by Ryan Holidays book Ego Is the Enemy
comes this thought. You can read my reflection on his book here.
What is the ego? What is my ego? Why is it important to create awareness around this topic?
In this episode I aim to answer these questions. I share my thoughts on why we need to not be fearful nor consider our ego as the enemy but simply be more aware of it. (more…)
Brock Bowen is the Wizard Entrepreneur. He is a man who cares deeply about people, loves and admires those closest to him and is humbled and grateful for the opportunity to connect, empower and create magic and miracles for conscious entrepreneurs who are struggling with time, energy and money.
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He is on a mission to help people design and live the lifestyle of their dreams so they can give their best to the people they love and make a positive contribution to the world. He loves mountain biking, nature walks, swimming, meditation, snuggles, travel, resorts and dancing around the house with his partner, Christie.
He states that “It wasn’t until I defined my purpose that my life began to change.”
Top 10 Best Books in 2016
I am getting in early this year. Last year I released my top 10 books of 2015 with some delay. Review my 2015 top 10 podcast/blog here.
Reading is powerful and in a couple of weeks I am going to share with you a guide on “How to Create a Healthy Reading Habit.” Make sure you keep your eye out for that one by subscribing to the THY newsletter here.
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Today I will keep away from the positives of reading and the WHY and remain on purpose. The goal today is to bring you 10 of my favourite books from the year just passed.
It is freaking hard to pick the top 10 considering I have read about 50 books this year. Not all have made it to be featured on The Hidden Why. In all honesty many I didn’t finish entirely. The ones that I do feature I genuinely love and reflect on to inspire others to read.
Here goes. These are my top 10 for 2016, in no particular order, favourites books – the ones I absolutely loved.
- The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
by Warren Berger – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story
by Arnold Schwarzenegger – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition
by Zig Ziglar – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- Ego Is the Enemy
by Ryan Holiday – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- The Mastery of Self: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom
by don Miguel Ruiz Jr. – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
by Chris McChesney and Sean Covey – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- The Tao of Seneca: Practical Letters from a Stoic Master, Volume 1
Seneca presented by Tim Ferriss Audio – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- When Awareness Becomes Natural: A Guide to Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life
by Sayadaw U Tejaniya – Here is the Book Reflection Link
- Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance
by Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel – Here is the Book Reflection Link
You can review all my reflections on each of these using the links provided.
Happy reading to you!
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Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.
Peace, passion and purpose…
- The Alchemist
What Are Your Daily Non Negotiable’s?
What makes you effective in life? What will take you to the next level? What will allow you to progress towards your highest potential?
In answer to this question you might say that it is your beliefs and behaviours. Who you are today is an accumulation of past. Who you are tomorrow will be decided on what you think and do next.
Effectiveness in reaching your life’s biggest dreams comes by doing those things every day that are critically important. These are your daily non-negotiables. For each of us some will be the same and some different.
Satyen Raja is the founder and president of WarriorSage, a living synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western practicality, combining the power of the warrior and the wisdom of the sage. WarriorSage help leaders and influencers make leaps with their sexuality and relationships, power and influence, money and complete freedom.
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He is a lifetime black belt Martial Artist, a master in a plethora of healing and consciousness raising modalities and visionary thought leader. He has invested over three decades on hands-on research and teaching thousands of individuals internationally in the art of ‘true power to compel his clients to harness their greatest obstacles and transform them into their most powerful gifts. (more…)
Fast Track to Effectiveness: Kick Ass 2017 in 8 Steps
In this episode I share with you 8 steps that will assist you in becoming more effective in everything you do. I term this process the Fast Track to Effectiveness. Each step within can be applied to everything in life no matter how great or small. From the next task you need to work all the way to living life.
The 8 steps are: Visualise, Plan, Prepare, Act, Adjust, Persist, Complete, and Reflect. (more…)
Jake Heilbrunn is the author of “Off the Beaten Trail: A Young Man’s Soul-Searching Journey Through Central America.” At eighteen, Jake entered college like millions of other high school graduates. But after developing a chronic skin condition and falling into depression, Jake realized staying in school didn’t align with his dreams. Listening to his inner voice and following his heart, he took a leap of faith, left school and hopped on a one-way flight to Guatemala.
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His mission is to inspire and empower others to live a life of purpose and fulfilment through heeding their intuition, uncovering aspirations and becoming aware of their values. He writes a thought provoking blog post every Wednesday, on everything from solo travel and behavioural psychology to dropping out of college and living a remarkable, unconventional life.
Jake shares his adventure, message of inspiration and lessons that will inspire you to take the action required to live the life you desire. Enjoy and please leave your comments and thoughts below. (more…)
The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again
By Guy Finley
“The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.”
The idea that we limit our ability to live into our full potential and to live this life without ever having accomplished all those dreams and desires we have scares me. It is a fear of mine to reach the end having this inner sense of regret. This is why I take purposeful action towards living my why and following the path which is my own journey. I believe it is on this path that greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness can not only be reached but are actually lived by following this path.
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Fear however does slow me. It slows many of us. While I am committed and to some levels fearless towards creating my own path in this life, one that is true to my Self, my self-limiting beliefs around what is possible can get in the way – often enough! As Guy eludes to in the above quote it’s my lacking of understanding and knowledge that truly slows me and therefore perhaps nothing else. (more…)

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.