Allow Life to Unfold & Live More Beautifully
“You must let life flow naturally, for life’s secret is patience; you must stop pushing for change and allow things to unfold.” Leon Brown
Allow life to unfold. Too often do we try to force things to happen in our lives. What happens when we do this is that we attempt the impossible. We try to make change to things external to what is within our control.
When we do this we create friction, we create suffering. It’s like trying to force a large object through a tiny whole. We create all this tension and wasted energy by doing what we cannot.
Yuri Elkaim, The Healthpreneur, is a NYT bestselling author and owner of a multiple 7-figure online health and fitness business that has helped over 500,000 men and women to better health. His personal blog gets over 20k unique visits per day and his Youtube videos have been viewed by more than 19.7 million people.
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For the past 5 years, behind the scenes, Yuri’s shared his coveted business secrets by leading numerous high-level masterminds for many of the health industry’s most influential experts. Now, he’s pulling back the curtains to show other health and fitness experts how to turn their passion and expertise into a thriving online business. Yuri’s on a mission to help 1,000 “healthpreneurs” 10x their online business to collectively impact more than 1 billion people on the planet by 2040. (more…)
Your Three Superpowers with Brendon Sage
“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” William Shakespeare
Brendan is a Mind-Body Mastery Coach and Host of The Youniversity Podcast. He is certified under The John Maxwell Team. Brendan is a passionate person who is dedicated to living his life fully. He has been to the lowest of lows and now is on a mission to unleash his inner power and helping others in the process.
In this episode Brendan talks about Your Three Superpowers – they are:
- The power to move
- The power to express
- The power to serve
You can reach Brendan as his website Brendan Sage.
Enjoy todays solo show with Brendan and let me know what you think by posting your comments below.
Candice Shelby is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Denver, USA. She has published in the history of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and addiction, and has spoken at international venues on a variety of topics related to addiction. She is a popular lecturer in the national addictions recovery community.
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We chat about her newest book Addiction, a book that argues that addiction should be understood not as a disease but as a phenomenon that is to be understood on many levels at once. Employing a complex dynamic systems approach and philosophical methodology, Shelby explains addiction as an irreducible neurobiological, psychological, developmental, environmental, and sociological phenomenon. (more…)
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
by Dale Carnegie
What is your greatest fear?
Can I suggest that public speaking is up their in your top 10. To some this might sound strange yet even the most rehearsed speakers have some nerves before speaking. Public speaking is one of the most common fears among people. Why?
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Our fears are inbuilt and designed to protect us from self-harm. Fear brings upon us unpleasant emotions when we face danger, pain, or injury. Yet what is the worse thing that could happen when we speak in front of a crowd? (more…)
Variety, Uncertainty and A Sense of Adventure: Necessities in Avoiding Stagnation
“The quality of your life is directly related to how much uncertainty you can comfortably handle.” Tony Robbins
Comfort is nice it’s what we most favour. However, comfort can allow us to fall into stagnation. It is here we stop progressing. It is here that our existence becomes less enjoyable and more sufferable. It is here most of us need to escape.
Tony Robins discusses the 6 Fundamental Human needs and one of those is uncertainty. And here is the ultimate paradox and that is that while we seek certainty in our lives we have a tendency to remove this need for uncertainty. This can be detrimental in living a free, fulfilled and happy life. (more…)
“It’s about how you make people feel.” John Ruhlin
John went from farm boy to the greatest sellers in Cutco’s 68-year history by understanding the value of gift giving and relationships. John will tell you, “how you love and treat people will open more doors than you can imagine.”
John learnt the principles of generosity from “Attorney Paul,” and started selling the largest deals in Cutco’s history. Not only was he gifting knives but he was being asked to speak on stages around the country to teach sales and marketing teams how to build relationships in unconventional ways.
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“It’s not the thought that counts, it’s the thoughtful thought.”
Life Is Not Niche, It’s Complex but Living Life Need Not Be Complicated
“Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” Eckart Tolle.
In this episode I discuss the thought that although life is complicated living it need not be so. We can find a simple and more beautiful existence living this life.
We can do this by discovering our why and really connecting deep within to our True Self. Then using this as our Life’s Compass we can navigate our way, with greater passion and purpose, more beautifully through all the complexities of life. The same can be applied to business. (more…)
Justin Constantine is a former Marine and attorney and is now an inspirational speaker and leadership consultant. He survived a gunshot wound to the head while serving in Iraq. He recently completed his first book, My Battlefield, Your Office: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines
. His writing on military and leadership issues have been featured in such outlets as CNN, Time, the Washington Post, The Atlantic, Forbes magazine, and USA Today. Justin is a Presidential Leadership Scholar and a Fellow with the Truman National Security Project.
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Justin is an expert in overcoming adversity, leadership, and Veteran employment. In this episode we discuss the amazing adversity he has recently been through and techniques that have helped him push through and progress. We specifically look at awareness and why becoming more conscious is the key to progression. Justin also shares some tips on leadership taken from his book.
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
The word alchemy comes from the Greek word Khemeia that means “art of transmuting metals.” This is apparently an ancient art that people have been trying to work on for millennia with little success. Particularly the attempt to turn common metals into gold. This book is an inspiring story of a Shepard boy, Santiago, on his journey of life and like alchemy awakens his essence and turns it to gold.
It has been a book on me to read list for some time and I am glad to have finally read it. Actually, it was one I was going to read but instead got an Audible copy to listen to. This book is a very suitable book to listen to in audio form as it tells a story. Non-fiction books and other educational books often are better in hard copy. It was also narrated by Jeremy Irons – a very suitable and enjoyable voice to listen to. You can 2 Free audio books when you trial Audible here today.
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amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.