There are many techniques to help pull you from a low and this is one of them. I have and still do use it in down moments and have encouraged others to as well. The results are powerful!
When you are feeling like nothing is going your way or that the universe is conspiring against you think back to a past happy memory. What was that moment? It may have been something recently or it may have been something many years ago. Perhaps a childhood thought. (more…)
Ann Purcell is an award winning author and musician whom has been teaching meditation around the world since 1973. Ann currently oversees the teaching of Transcendental Meditation in girl’s schools and communities in several countries in Africa.
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In addition, she has worked on curricula and course development for universities and continuing education programs. Her latest book, The Transcendental Meditation Technique and the Journey of Enlightenment was published on March 13, 2015 and her 7th album was released earlier this month (August 2016). She regularly writes for the Huffington Post. (more…)
A very powerful question to ask in relation to life all the way down to the finer moment by moment situations. Does it matter? It is the subject at focus that can include bigger picture life topics or smaller task focused. Will all this matter at the end of your life?
The answers and thoughts that are raised from this question will help you in your effectiveness in life. How? Think about what you are doing in life today. What is your main occupation or life objective and why? What is its purpose and does it matter? When you get to the end of your days why does it matter? (more…)
David Hare is a personal development trainer and Life Coach from Leicestershire, UK. Before setting up his own business in 2004, he was global public relations director for a leading multinational logistics company. In his youth he worked as a strawberry picker, dishwasher, barman, golf course caddy, Italian fast-food chef and Indian takeaway driver.
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He also had a six-year academic career including posts at the University of St. Andrews, The Sorbonne and The Open University. He has been a practicing Nichiren Buddhist and member of Soka Gakkai International since 1985.
In this chat we talk about his personal journey and the lessons within that. We discuss the contents of his book, “The Buddha In Me, The Buddha In You,” in relation to Buddhism, coaching and importantly his “chanting” practice that he contributes to much of his success in life. Great lessons and wisdom within this episode for us all. (more…)
Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change
by Derek Rydall
The author of this book, Derek Rydall, spreads messages of inspiration that we can all benefit from. The premise for the thought is that all that we are and all that we wish to be is already within us. He claims that self-help is dead and to really emerge into your full potential and purpose you need to know, as Derek states, “that life doesn’t happen to you it happens through you.”
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He uses the analogy of the acorn that grows into the great Oak tree to define the Law of Emergence, a term he coined. Understanding that we have all risen from a seed and that, like an Oak that grows into something great, nothing needs to be added. All the the Oak is meant to become is already within.
He does suggest that personal development is an essential part of allowing our natural gifts and talents to flourish. Just as a tree will grow to its fullest potential when correctly cared for and nourished so will we.
Happiness Comes From Within: Forget the Superficial Stuff
I have written an article on this that you can read here.
In this episode I discuss my thoughts on why we will find greater happiness in life is we focus internally rather than finding momentary happiness by looking externally.
Enjoy! Leave your thoughts and comments below and subscribe to my podcast.
Epiphany Jordan knows firsthand how skin hunger keeps us feeling alone, ashamed and isolated in our bodies. Over the past three years she has been studying both the biological mechanics of oxytocin and touch, and the cultural/social environment around it. Her Austin, Texas-based Karuna Sessions allows her to embody compassion, providing other humans with tangible emotional support and deep physical stress relief via platonic touch.
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Epiphany takes a radical approach to whole body-health with immersive touch therapy, a protocol that allows clients to re-experience the feeling of being held as infants by their mothers. She can think of no greater service than providing her fellow humans an opportunity to feel nurtured, safe, and accepted in the arms of other people.
It goes with out saying, in this episode we talk about the importance of touch. Leave your thoughts below and if you enjoyed it please share it with your network. Thanks! (more…)
Feelings, Soul & Action: How They Work & Why They Matter
G’day Gang!
In todays episode I am digging in deep to talk about our feelings and how they affect the action we take. I also discuss why it’s important to make the link to our soul.
Our soul is our essence. A connection to it will allow us to live a life that is more truly aligned with our self. If your feelings are not aligned with this essence they will direct you incorrectly or not at all. Connect with who you are. Allow your soul to bring rise to how you want to feel and be in life. (more…)
Nina has over 25 years’ experience in the health and wellness field and is best known for her compassionate, yet practical nourishment approach. She helps women go beyond deprivation and dieting and live in a vibrant body they love.
Women in this day and age know they “should” take care of themselves. They know they should eat healthier, sleep more, move more, etc., but…they don’t.
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Helping women move past the reasons why they don’t nurture and nourish themselves, and into the practical reality of how they CAN truly live in a life where they feel truly good in their body and at peace with their relationship with food. (more…)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
By Stephen Covey
Well what an amazing book and a great must read!
It’s no secret, I love reading! I have the aim of a book a week and also listen to a book every week or two using audible. I love it and I am hooked.
When someone who inspires me mentions a great book to read I get this impulse to purchase. I use to have list of books to read but it was getting too long, enough to cover an entire year. I just read what is of interest to me in the moment or what sounds of interest and is on hands.
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Here is a book review I wrote a couple of years ago and have now updated into podcast form also. If you are going to read one thing today start reading this book – forget this post.
I don’t share all the books I listen to or read as sometimes I find it hard to share the value they offer but this one is a must read. I was attracted to it by my amazon recommendation and was caught by the tittle, so impulse click, it was shipped to me from the US.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.