When You Take an Interest in Life More of it Will Show Up
It is surprisingly funny how, when you focus on attention on one thing in particular, more of it suddenly appears in life.
I was with my partner on an outing in Japan and I made a comment to her about how interesting it was that we don’t see many pregnant women getting out and about. Her response was that perhaps we just aren’t looking for pregnant women.
It made me think about how true it is that when we focus our attention on something how much more of it shows up in our lives. Sure enough I started seeing pregnant women everywhere. (more…)
“It’s better to stand out than fit in.”
You’re in the right place if you’re looking to brand yourself or your company in an authentic and imaginative way. Juju Hook loves this stuff! In her words, “it turns me on.”
“There’s nothing better than getting to know a new tribe and helping them find their shine. There’s nothing better than a ride toward success through the beautiful countryside of a well-mapped brand.”
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For 25 years, Juju has been helping companies build brand identities so naturally she knows her shit when it comes to branding. Having stepped away from her corporate ambitions, she found herself immersed and absorbed in clients’ companies in a refreshing and honest way. She found her juju. She dug deep to help her client’s companies find it. (more…)
What is my purpose? What is the reason I exist? What am I meant to do?
The ultimate question of life, why?
I don’t pretend to have all the answers nor do I agree that my view on this question will be relevant or consistent in time. I do believe this though, as I search for deeper meaning and I ask myself this question, why am I here, I am because I am.
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It may be easy to brush of the reality of this question but we all attempt to at some level claim reason for our life whether that be through the things that we own, the way we behave or what we pursue. We all are searching for our why.
Daniel Rechtschaffen, a Marriage and Family Therapist, has a master’s degree in counseling psychology. He founded the Mindful Education Institute and the Omega Mindfulness in Education conference, has developed a variety of curricula for mindfulness in the classroom, and leads mindfulness trainings for schools and communities around the world.Adults need stress relief, well-being, focused attention, and the other benefits of mindfulness as much, or more, than students do. So when he integrates mindfulness into a schools, he begins with the adults.
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Positively Resilient: 5 1/2 Secrets to Beat Stress, Overcome Obstacles, and Defeat Anxiety
by Doug Hensch
Resilient; a person able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
What an interesting read and I believe very relative to all of us. Think about it. When was the last time you faced a difficult situation and despite all the happenings you were able to spring back?
Think of a sponge placed in a pool of water overcome by the heaviness of the water it soaks up and suddenly is unable to soak up any more. Like life at times, pressured and saturated by conflict we can become so weighed down that it feels almost impossible that we will dry out and get back on track. I am sure this is the reality for many souls. What if you could learn the secrets of not only being resilient to absorbing the weight of the world but also the skills and ability to squeeze it out. How would that make your life better?
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Don’t Let Your Failures Stop You. Let Your Wins Drive You
It is all too easy in life to allow your failures to put a halt on living your dreams. Sometimes we are our own worse critics. Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect and when we don’t get the result we set out to achieve, we give up, even though we are greater than we were before starting out.
It is our human nature to be to hard on ourselves especially in defeat. When we set goals and challenge our potential we start out with great ambition and determination. As time progresses and we delve deeper into our challenge so do the obstacles that we may face continue. (more…)
Having been a direct response marketer since 1999, John has helped thousands of customers in many industries including: Management Consulting, Finance, Sales, IT, Manufacturing, and many more – develop more conversations (and sales) with their ideal future customers.
John is the guy organisations (small and large) come to when they want to know how to turn more conversations into cash.
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As the Co-founder and CEO of Direct MSGing; a direct response communications company that helps companies grow their personal networks using direct marketing principles for maximum ROI… John and his team help by building your connections, communicating with them, and identify for you – those golden prospects that you can speak with, now. (more…)
How To Create Continuous Self-Motivation In Achieving The Life You Desire
Please enjoy this thought on self-motivation.
Do you ever wonder how some people seem to, almost with ease, keep pushing forward despite what obstacles they might face? You may wonder how they do it, right? The key is to create and be self-motivated.
Anyone can motivate you do something with the right amount of force or reason. If death or injury is the result of not taking action, whether to you or someone you love, you are likely to take action. The level of motivation you have to take action will be equal to the consequence that occurs if you don’t take action. It will also depend highly on the importance the particular action has to you.
The reason why we take action is a hint as to how we can create and remain self-motivated. You must reflect on the reason why in certain situations you take action and why sometimes you lack the motivation to do so. This will provide you with some answers in relation to you personally. We are all motivated differently.
Humans are driven towards pleasure and away from pain. The higher and more immediate the pleasure that comes from taking action the greater your motivation will be. Likewise the quicker and better an action removes you from pain the more likely it is that you will act.
If you want to be highly self motivated connect with the deeper reason as to why taking action is it important to you. If you cannot connect deeply with a why your ability to take action will be inhibited.
The second point to consider is how passionate about the action are you. The higher your passion the greater your motivation. For example, some of us are more likely to wake up at the crack of dawn to go on a fishing trip yet less inclined to do so to go to a job we dislike. The more passion you can insert into your life the higher your motivation will be.
There are many things to consider when it comes to raising your level of self-motivation however these two are very important. A final point also to consider is that we must remove our goggles that are typically short sighted so we can focus on the bigger picture of life. Don’t fall in the trap of taking action only to do what brings immediate reward or to avoid punishment. Connect with the rewards that are less visible of known and allow them to drive you also.
Self-motivation is very much and individual thing. The greater the importance it has to you the more likely is is you will act and allow nothing to get in your way or slow you down. What is important to you in living the life you’ve been given?
If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. Schedule your call here today.
Linda Bloom, LCSW and Charlie Bloom, MSW have been married since 1972. Trained as psychotherapists and relationship counselors, they have worked with individuals, couples, groups, and organizations since 1975.
They have lectured and taught at learning institutes throughout the USA, on how to better our relationships. They have offered seminars throughout the world, including China, Japan, Indonesia, Denmark, Sweden, India, Brazil, and many other locations.
Having previous interviewed Linda, Charlie’s wife, I thought it would be a nice way to get some male perspective on relationships.
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Successful Time Management (Creating Success)
by Patrick Forsyth
If you always feel like you are chasing your tail or that there is not enough time in the day than you need to make it a priority to learn the techniques on mastering time. There are so many great books, online courses and coaches that can assist you in this domain including myself.
Here is a podcast I did from some Q&A with Patrick.
We cannot manage time but we certainly have control over how we use the time we have. The thing is that we all have exactly the same amount of hours in the day. With 168 hours a week why is it that some people seem to be able to achieve a great deal more than others. Simply, they have become more effective with their time.
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amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.