“What would you dare to dream if you knew you couldn’t fail?” Brian Tracy
After a failed business in 1992, Darren LaCroix took the stage in a Boston comedy club and bombed miserably. It was horrible. The headliner that night told him to “keep his day job.” Friends told him that his dream of making people laugh for a living was crazy and stupid. He didn’t listen.
He may have been born without a funny bone in his body, but he possessed the desire to learn and the willingness to fail. These were the essentials for achieving his dream. He says, Effort + Direction = Mastery.
In 2001, Darren LaCroix out-spoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to become the World Champion of Public Speaking. Darren now travels the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful presentation.
This is a great and inspiring story that shows you its ok to dare to dream and than making your dreams a reality. He shares tips and advice on staying motivated and inspired, and a few GOLDEN tips on mastering your next speech.
Enjoy and leave your comments below. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.
Key Take Outs
- Ask yourself this question. “What would you dare to dream if you knew you couldn’t fail?” This is likely something you fear but if you can build courage to take action you may just surprise yourself with what you can actually achieve.
- Find mentors. Surround yourself by those people that are achieving the results you desire to achieve not only is this a great way to learn but also a great way to stay motivated.
- Be aware of the compare. When we benchmark ourselves against others that have had greater time and experience in that which we attempt to gain success we set ourselves up for failure. Compare yourself to those that, too are just starting out. In my opinion the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself, can you beat yourself?
- Focus on that which works. When you start mastering your art forget those parts that don’t work and focus on what does work and improve that.
- Stage time, stage time, stage time. This idea that everyday practice is the secret to mastery – don’t miss an opportunity to practice your art. If your why is great enough no excuse should get in the way.
- Speaking tips of GOLD. Have clarity – this relates to your life also. Don’t narrate your speech but rather use dialogue. And show emotion and use reaction. Listen to what Darren shares in this show if you truly are a lover of effective speaking.
Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?
Faith. Helping other people and building my business on Zig Ziglar’s philosophy that is, “if you can help just enough people in life to get what they want you will get what you want.”
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
You got this, don’t give up – be a sponge.
Darren’s interpretation of success
What is your number one productivity advice?
Darren uses and app called KanBanFlow found here.
He also likes setting up his day with a solid routine.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
A nice cooked steak.
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Ridding my motor cycle.
Favourite book(s)
Holy Bible, King James Version
The Book of Rudy: The Wit and Wisdom of Rudy Boesch
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
The Secret
“Live you life so that when ever your loose, your ahead.” By Will Rogers.
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
Living the life you where meant to live. Helping and inspiring people keeps him on purpose.
How to find Darren and other links
You can reach out to Darren by visiting his website here.
You can also jump on to master your speaking with Stage Time University.
You can also get his “Top 10 Speaking Mistakes” here or by texting “TOP 10 MISTAKES” to 44222 (US only).
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