
  • The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness by James Altucher & Claudia Altucher

    Because one little Word can Bring Health, Abundance and Happiness

    James and Claudia have written this great and easy to read little book on how the power of using NO can have dramatic affect on your life and bring with it greater health, abundance and happiness.

    It certainly has made me reflect on my own situation and how by using the word ‘No’ more in my life may give me great fulfilment and satisfaction.

    I believe that the power in saying yes is just as important however as they elude in their book is that when you truly unleash the power to say ‘no’, your ‘yes’ will be much more powerful and meaningful and one that opens countless opportunities.

    Often in life we feel obliged to simple say yes. It is not only that we feel obliged but also often it is just the easy way, and a process that causes less pain or challenge. It is often an option that leads to immediate gain or satisfaction.

    That is all good however the issue is that we often overlook what is really important and that is oneself. It seems selfish but true, that by saying yes to everything often means you neglect the most important factor, you!

    We say yes to drugs, alcohol and bad foods as they all provide us with instant satisfaction and sometimes an escape from what is real. We say yes simply without considering the consequence because we desire everything now.

    We say yes to relationships that are harmful and damaging to us and who we are, yet to say no seems so painful we avoid it. Would I find another love, how would they react, how will my life change, the unknown stop us.

    We say yes to invitations, social outings, work meeting & commitments, seminars, trips, holidays or even volunteering opportunities yet all these can have serious impact on our own time and quality of life.

    Sometimes it is just we feel obliged yet deep inside it is not what we really desire to be doing, it may not sit congruently with who we really are. The quality of giving ones own time is a great thing yet when it impacts directly on the quality of ones own life, we do have the choice and the power to say no.

    Time is certainly the most valuable resource there is and something you will never ever get back. I say that we must be mindful of how you use and give your time away.

    When you really assess all those things you say yes to and how the truly impact your life you start to open your eyes and see a bigger picture. I think this is important and this book certainly helps unleash that.

    How often have do we just continued to say yes when we know it is quite clearly affecting our lives.

    How much longer do you want to work in a job that brings you no great satisfaction in life and you know a passion deep inside is just waiting to be released?

    How long must you continue to damage your health through easy ‘yes’ choices when it is your health that controls your entire life?

    How long will you hang on to those damaging relationships before you decide to make a positive change?

    How long?

    Time is precious and is yours to own so take responsibility and take back what is rightfully your. The choice to say no, so feel free to do so.

    Just as a point of interest I do also believe in the word yes and saying yes to opportunities and experiences. Sometimes we just say no causing us to miss out on many wonderful opportunities.

    If someone asks me to fly to the moon and that’s what I really want to do than I will go for it.

    Sometimes its in these new experiences and opportunities that we are pushed outside our comfort zone and into a new world which can only lead to growth and enriching our lives.

    Be mindful of what you say ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ to. Have a read and thanks James and Claudia Altucher.

    If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness

    Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.

    Peace, passion and purpose…

    Other books by James & Claudia Altucher


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