
  • Driven by a passion to capture the most unique perspective not yet thought of, Krystle Wright is a pioneering photographer from Australia who is accelerating the awareness and visibility of the most extreme sports and their athletes of the world. In this episode Krystle shares her journey, passion and all the lessons she has faced along the way including being patient, persevering, having no plan B, and no regrets. 

    She spends more time abroad that she is no longer considered a resident of Australia, although as you will hear she certainly still sounds Aussie and still calls Australia home. She is ready to do more work across our great landscape also.

    “You’re going to have your ups and your downs.”


    What does living life with passion and purpose mean?

    Passion is finding what you love and than doing it and living it. Living a life that your want that is full of passion.



    She often gets the question as to why she does it. Her answer to this is that she simply enjoys it; it gives her a great way to express herself while also traveling to some very cool places. For everyone however following your passion is important but it does take time. For her this journey to where she is today has developed over 10 years.

    During these years she did not give up but certainly there were challenges. She practiced as a casual photographer to help pay the bills while on the side she pursued a greater passion of taking photos of extreme sports athletes and remote places. The important message was not to give up and rather be patient, persistent and persevere.

    According to Kryslte, adventurer photography was never a plan B believing that if you have another plan you have an excuse to have an out. But her plan was always photography. She relates this to how during the ups and downs she never lost hope, as her goal was always the same.

    She shares a story while in the U.S. while having some financial struggles and on top of this her car broke down and how she pushed through this. Because she had that undeniable goal this certainly wasn’t going to stop her.

    She also shares an accident she had while paragliding in Northern Pakistan when the wind conditions changed forcing her to crash into the side of a cliff. Shit happens! From this she walked away slightly damaged to say the least but she forged on, never giving up. It was in this moment that she reminded her that things can go wrong and perhaps she became a bit complacent. Certainly she takes no victim story, as many others are much worse off in the world than her.

    We delve into passion sex in this episode, which I like to describe as the combination of two passions. Krystle was always into the outdoors and always like doing physical activity and along the way was able to combine this with her other passion of photography.

    Krystle now well and truly is following her passions and is following her dreams. She never wants to live with regret or wonder “what if” she would have done something. She continues on to make no excuses to continue to pursuing this dream.

    There are so many great discoveries, both large and small nuggets of wisdom that you will without a doubt take away from this interview (as below). Perhaps some of the key realisations for you will be that on your journey there are no quick wins, you must know your passion, persevere and be persist and take it step by step. You will realise your dreams if you do so.

    Krystle is without a doubt in touch with what she wants and goes about her life doing things that make her feel good. So often we forget what life is about and stop doing these things that make us feel good. Sometimes this means having good nutrition, sometimes it means sitting in a field all day painting, sometimes it may mean turning off the T.V. but for whatever it is just live and do what you love.

    This is a really insightful interview and one that I hope you enjoy. Kryslte is very direct and real but most importantly her message is clear. Do what you love and follow your passions.

    Please leave your comments, questions and thoughts below and enjoy the show. Peace, passion and purpose.

    Her Moment of Realisation

    She has always held this passion to take photography and shares a story of her days at high school using those old Kodak cameras to take photos. Her challenge was not then to find her passion but to pursue it.

    Having finished high school and having no idea what to do other than she didn’t want to be trapped in an office, she doesn’t have the attention span, she looked at going to university.

    The courses she looked at required to many majors and then her mum suggested she peruse photography, as it was always a passion. Her immediate response was how the hell was she going to make money doing that. Anyway that is what she did and from that her passion for photography has spiraled and evolved into this brilliant life.

    After University she managed to get by in life working as a causal photographer in Sydney. It was ok but not her true calling. She used the extra savings to adventure out and take photography elsewhere in her spare time.

    In 2011 her casual photography job feel apart. While sitting in the car park at work she had no desire to go inside, she simply had enough and didn’t want to be there anymore. This was not a hard job by any means but she wasn’t following her passion it felt more like a job.

    She had a developed network and built great relationships on the side over several years and just decided to go for it. She took a great leap of faith and left in all behind to go full out and follow this passion. From there she hasn’t looked back.

    Her belief is that if you find your passion and do what you love you will someday make it work.

    Key Take Outs

    ·      Take it step by step. The journey to success in whatever that may mean to you may never be an overnight win but a journey over many years. It important to remain clear on the goal and take it step by step.

    ·      There is no overnight success. Being true to what it is you want in life and by being patient, persevering and persistent you will find your success yet the journey may take some time. Don’t give up!

    ·      Taking no. No does not mean no now and should not be taken personally. Go back and keep asking and keep trying, if you do so door and opportunities will eventually open.

    ·      Build up you passion project on the side. Sometimes you must work your job to pay the bills as a means to finding and following your passion.  But if may just mean you need to find some time on the side to began or work on your passion project.

    ·      Avoid the haters. People will try put you down or tell you what you are doing is worthless. Don’t listen to these people as this is there battle but perhaps use it to drive you and prove to yourself you can.

    ·      Don’t worry about others opinions. If there is negativity avoid it, surround yourself with positivity. Similar to the above take-out but worth repeating.

    ·      You will have ups and downs. Life is not stable and life is full of uncertainty. There will be good times and bad. Work on making more good times and minimising the bad but most importantly don’t fall into a false sense of security thinking that it will always be peachy.

    ·      Plan A, Plan B, Plan C? We discuss this with some depth but essential when you find your passion you best not have another plan otherwise that give you an out, you don’t want an out as this might tempt you to give up during the struggles.

    ·      Don’t become Complacent. No matter were we think we are on our journey its important never to get comfortable or become complacent. Things will forever change and if your complacent you may just do damage.

    ·      Have passion sex. Sometimes you might look at combining a few of your passions to make a really cool niche value offering to the world. As often we have more than just one passion.

    ·      Live with no regrets. Simple really, just go out there and do what you must, never look back wondering what if.

    ·      Don’t make excuses. Avoid creating excuses in putting off those things that matter as excuses delay the process and slow you down. Time waits for no one and having excuses is a matter of time.

    ·      Do what you love and find those things that make you feel good. Try what works for you. Get rid of the T.V. Have good nutrition. Whatever it may be when you do what feels good you will most likely live with greater happiness.

    ·      Delayed gratification. Don’t live with a false expectation that things will happen instantly and as you wish, this expectation can often leave you living with disappointment when you receive no reward. This can mean you miss the enjoyment of the journey and also cause you to give-up chasing the goal.

    ·      It’s never too late. Success in life can come at any stage and it is never to late to chase a passion. Just start and give it a try, you never now where it might take you and the how may just sort itself out.

    Routines & Rituals

    ·      Practicing yoga

    ·      Turning off the phone and T.V.

    ·      And generally doing things that make her feel good.

    Her interpretation of success

    Success is happiness.

    Quick round questions

    Favourite Food


    Favourite Leisure Activitiy

    She loves them all and loves the variety

    Favourite book(s)

    Couldn’t think of one for the interview but if you can think of a couple why not get 2 Free Audio books. 



    How to Find Krystle and other Links

    To find out more about Krystle you can visit her website at:


    You can also Google her name, Krystle Wright, where you will find a number of other links to be able to connect with her.

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